Having the sense of smell is something that is a God given gift that should never be taken for granted. There are people out there who are less fortunate and do not have the ability and privilege to have a sense of smell. Through smelling, we are able to identify things such as flowers, good cooking (or bad in that case), and about every other possible thing you can think of. The sense of smell helps us to recognize things even without always being able to see them visually. As people, we let off a spiritual smell or fragrance no matter where we are or who we are with. My question to you is, what do you smell like?
2 Cor. 2:15 says, "For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing." (NASB)
We have to remember as Christians that people are always watching us waiting for us to mess up so that they can justify their actions by saying things like, "Look, there is another hypocritical Christian. Why would I want to believe in their God when they act the same as us." What kind of fragrance are you giving off? Are you a person that is always complaining about everything to the point that you miss the blessings that God has already given you. Or are you a person that is filled with the joy of the Lord to the point that other people can't help but "smell" Jesus Christ all over you. If you are this kind of person, you can rest assured you are walking in line with the Word of God. We have too many Christians today that "stink." They claim to be a Christian but then turn around and cuss or tell dirty jokes. They scream at their kids when a simple quiet but stern response would be more appropriate. These actions are not letting off a good fragrance that would bring people to think about Jesus Christ. It is about time that Christians start smelling like what they say they are. If a weed said it was a rose but still let off that not so great smell that weeds give off, we would obviously know that it was a hypocrite. The same goes with Christians. If we say we are following Christ but give off a smell that reflects the things of this world, then people will call us hypocrites.
So what is the best way to not smell like the world but like the things of God. Romans 12:2 says it best when it says, "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..." Staying away from the smells of this world will help us to remain smelling like a true follower of Christ. So it is up to you. Choose this day what fragrance you are going to let off!
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