Sunday, July 5, 2009
God's calling on your life is to be a missionary!
One of the great things about the body of Christ is the diversity in it. We have blacks, whites, reds, and yellows. We have Hispanics, Scottish, Canadian, Chinese, Japanese, and Phillipino brethren. We have got every color of the rainbow in the body of Christ and that is a good thing. It's also great that God has different callings on each of our lives. Some are called to be teachers, others pastors, musicians, professional athletes, full time missionaries, or daycare managers. Whatever the calling is, pursue it with all your heart because no calling is higher than any other and our reward is based on faithfulness. But there is one thing we are all called to be and that is missionaries. The difference between this type of missionary and the one noted earlier is that the latter one is a missionary as their primary occupation. But each and every person is called to be a missionary despite the "career calling" that God has on their life if you will. Mathew 28 is a very popular passage and rightfully so. This is when Jesus issued the Great Commission. Notice it is called the Great Commission, not the Great Suggestion. Mathew 28:19 says, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." (NASB) These words are the very words of Jesus and He is commanding us to reach the lost of this world throughout the entire world. That means in Africa, Asia, China, and the US of A. That means right here where you and I are. We are called to be witnesses in our day to day lives at work, in school, at church, and in the marketplace. So when you wake up in the morning, instead of saying, "oh, I have to go to work," say, "Thank you Lord for another day that I have to tell someone about Jesus." I guarantee you that your attitude will change real quickly. It is about time we get serious about witnessing because if the Christians don't witness, do you really think that the non Christians are going to? No, of course not. It is up to the Christians to change the face of this earth with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But remember that we serve an awesome and loving God that does make us go out into this dangerous world all alone. No, not at all. If you read on into the next verse of that passage in Mathew 28:20, it says, "teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (NASB) What an awesome promise from the Savior of this world. He is saying I will be with you no matter where you go . Jesus was saying that we have no reason to fear because greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. (see 1 John 4:4) So all that's left to do is be a light to a dark world. The brighter you let your light shine, the brighter you will appear in the eyes of the lost. God bless you!
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