Thursday, July 16, 2009

Past is Past, Future is Now!

People, especially Christians, often allow their past to remain their present state of mind. What I mean by this is that they allow things that they have done in their past to clog their mindset now and take their focus off of the things of God. (see Heb.2:12) They let Satan get the best of them by worrying about things that have already happened. But the Bible tells us to "cast all our anxiety on Him because He cares for us." (1 Peter 5:7) So what we have to do as Christians is to begin to understand that our past is in our past. We cannot undue all the things that we have already done. We have to repent from those things and learn from them, not relive them and dwell on them.

The mindset that we have to get back is the one that the way we think now affects our future. If we are expecting God to do great and mighty things and that is our current mindset, then in the future, He is going to use us to do those great and mighty things. But we have to get our minds prepared for that now. Philippians 3 talks about the goal in life. Verse 14 states it in very simple words. Phil. 3:14 says, "I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." (NASB) This verse has to become our mindset. We have to focus on the call that God has for us now so that we will be equipped to pursue it now and throughout the rest of our lives. If we are worried about what we have done in our past, how can we be concerned about what God is wanting to do with us in the present and future.

Probably the greatest example of this is Paul in the Bible. Remember, Paul was Saul at one point. Saul was the guy who basically enjoyed killing Christians for the fun of it. His goal was similar to Hitler's with the Jews and that was to destroy every Christian on the face of the earth. But God got a hold of his life and used Saul/Paul TO WRITE HALF OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. So don't tell me God cannot use you. He can if you will turn your eyes upon Jesus and upon the calling that God has for you. Remember, Christ has already forgiven you of your sins. Now thank Him for it by focusing on your calling.

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