This article is a little different than the ones that I normaly leave because I just want to issue you a quick word of encouragement as I am traveling on the road. I have been at the Assemblies of God General Council this past week and had a great time. I heard some outstanding speakers such as Herbert Cooper, the pastor of People's Church in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. I am going to sum up what he talked about here because I think he put the nail in the coffin.
The title of his message was
One More! He talked about how our focus individually and as a church should be to reach one more always. There is always one more person out there that needs the saving knowledge of Jesus

Christ and it is up to us to extend that knowledge to them. We need to get to the point where we stop joking homosexuals, rapists, killers and anybody else that has sinned. (Well, that would cover everyone) But his main point was that in churches, we need to lose the legalism that many of us have without even realizing it. The question often comes up in churches like, "What should we do if a homosexual couple comes in and holds hands or hugs during the service?" Well, here was Cooper's response which I believe is the proper Biblical one. What better place could there be for a homosexual couple to enter. The church is not for the church because it is the church. The church is for the lost. So really, we should want out churches filled with mollestars, homosexuals, killers, and anyone else with any other sin out there. Christ saved us as we were. As Christians, we need to accept everyone as they are and then allow the Holy Spirit to change them. And what better place is there than in the House of God. So my challenge to you is, invite one more. Tell one more. Help one more. Share the SAVING KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST WITH ONE MORE SO THAT THEY CAN COME TO KNOW GOD. Remember, Jesus Christ died for them just like He did me and you. Homosexualls are not the world's trash. Rapists are not beyond salvation. Those people are not trash, they are someone's dad or brother or sister. So lose the legalism and accept them as they are so that the Holy Spirit can change them in a way that will reflect the name of Jesus Christ. Who are we to say that God will not use that homosexual to change the world for Jesus Christ. He used a killer to write half of the New Testament. God bless you!
Thank you for posting this. I have always been confused about this topic.
ReplyDeleteAmen! I often run into Christians that proclaim the death penalty, and I struggle with how to best explain that this isn't so. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThe most interesting thing is that we actually tend to believe that we are better than anyone else at all. Paul said that he was a sinner of sinners. The sin isn't being homosexual, the sin isn't murdering, etc., those are merely the outward act of the underlying sin of unbelief. Christ says that even being angry at someone is equal to is not the act that matters, it's our hearts. Remember, Christ is there for the sinner, not the righteous. And again, God gives grace to the humble and resists the proud! We are saved by grace, not works. Some of the quickest folks to judge somebody else with condemnation is a Christian, trust me I know...I used to do it! God taught me otherwise! Praise Him! Come check out my blog! Thanks!