Monday, June 29, 2009

Arise (Fill in Your Name)

The story of Lazarus in John chapter 11 is a very powerful one and a moving example of the power of God. It is an image of Jesus's death and resurrection because it displays Jesus's power over death and sin. But you can also draw some strong parallels from the story of Lazarus. Try this one. The way Jesus rose Lazarus from the dead is the same way He is trying to resurrect us from our spiritual deadness and complacency. Lazarus was dead for four days before Jesus arrived. Many of us (Christians) have been spiritually dead too for days, months, or even years. We have lost our sense of purpose in this life and even more than that, lost God's purpose for our lives. We have become so focused on the little things that this life throws at us that we have taken our vision off of our calling and on the things that do not matter in the eyes of eternity. Jesus said, "Lazarus, come forth." He is also saying the same thing to us. He is saying, Josh come forth. He is saying rise from your spiritual deadness and seek after the life that I came to give to the full. (See John 10:10) He is saying arise Josh, arise Mary, arise David and take up My cross. He is saying to us that now is the time to be a world changer. The worst thing for the advancement of God's Kingdom is witnessing procrastinators. These people are the ones who have lost a sense of purpose in their life and believe they have plenty of time to be a Christian light. Little do they know that a thousand years is as one and one as a thousand to God. (see 2 Pet. 3:8) It's time for the Christians of the United States to arise and take a stand. If we want to see this nation return to Jesus Christ, then the focus of the "Christians" needs to return to Jesus Christ. If the conscience of society is out of focus, then how in the world will society be brought into focus. So choose this day to arise and move on from spiritual deadness. Don't be complacent but seek His kingdom first daily. God bless you!

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