Monday, June 29, 2009
Arise (Fill in Your Name)
The story of Lazarus in John chapter 11 is a very powerful one and a moving example of the power of God. It is an image of Jesus's death and resurrection because it displays Jesus's power over death and sin. But you can also draw some strong parallels from the story of Lazarus. Try this one. The way Jesus rose Lazarus from the dead is the same way He is trying to resurrect us from our spiritual deadness and complacency. Lazarus was dead for four days before Jesus arrived. Many of us (Christians) have been spiritually dead too for days, months, or even years. We have lost our sense of purpose in this life and even more than that, lost God's purpose for our lives. We have become so focused on the little things that this life throws at us that we have taken our vision off of our calling and on the things that do not matter in the eyes of eternity. Jesus said, "Lazarus, come forth." He is also saying the same thing to us. He is saying, Josh come forth. He is saying rise from your spiritual deadness and seek after the life that I came to give to the full. (See John 10:10) He is saying arise Josh, arise Mary, arise David and take up My cross. He is saying to us that now is the time to be a world changer. The worst thing for the advancement of God's Kingdom is witnessing procrastinators. These people are the ones who have lost a sense of purpose in their life and believe they have plenty of time to be a Christian light. Little do they know that a thousand years is as one and one as a thousand to God. (see 2 Pet. 3:8) It's time for the Christians of the United States to arise and take a stand. If we want to see this nation return to Jesus Christ, then the focus of the "Christians" needs to return to Jesus Christ. If the conscience of society is out of focus, then how in the world will society be brought into focus. So choose this day to arise and move on from spiritual deadness. Don't be complacent but seek His kingdom first daily. God bless you!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The Christian faith cannot always be based on emotions!

The battle over human souls between the prince of darkenss and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is an ongoing battle. As Christians, we know who is going to win this battle and that is Jesus Christ. He was the one who lived the perfect life and took our punishment on the cross so that we could have everlasting life with Him. But Satan is trying his hardest today maybe more than ever to get Christians to fall into an emotional faith. What do I mean by that? There is a major problem in Christianity today that is hindering the spreading of the Gospel and the growth of God's kingdom. Many Christians only remain faithful to God in their prayer, worship, and studying of God's Word when they feel like it. They are living an emotional faith. They get on these emotional rollercoasters that seem to go on forever without any true spiritual growth. They only feel like worshiping God when they feel all fuzzy inside. They do not realize that the time they should be worshiping Him the most is when they don't feel like it. When a great speaker comes and motivates them to serve God more, they do it until something happens that causes them to get their focus off of Jesus Christ and on the little things of this world. What they are doing is living by what they see and feel instead of living by faith. 2 Cor. 5:7 says, "for we walk by faith, not by sight." (NASB) Many Christians today are not walking by faith as much as they should be and this in turn causes them to be more vulnerable to the attacks and temptations that come from the enemy daily. They are walking by what they see only. As Christians, we need to realize that we are not always going to feel like worshiping God, praying, or studying His Word. But that does not excuse us from those acts of worship. 1 Tim. 4:7 says, "discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness..." (NASB) That verse does not say to only do it when you feel like it. Often, the times that we do not feel like worshiping God are when we have pulled ouselves from Him. He will never pull Himself from us. "When we are faithless, He remains faithful for He cannot deny Himself." 2 Tim. 2:13 (NASB) When there feels like there is a gap between us and God, it is because we have let ourself get caught up in the emotions of this world. It is about time that Christians rise up and serve God in the best of times and the worst. And the great thing about serving God in the darkest of times is that it is then that your light can shine the brightest. God bless you!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
What r u standing on?
Mathew chapter 4 is a very popular and well known chapter in the Bible. It is the story of when Jesus was tempted by Satan in the wilderness after He had been fasting for forty days and forty nights. This passage is often used to demonstrate how Satan likes to tempt Christians when we are weak and tired. Satan does this because we tend to let our guard down more frequently when we are weak or tired. And this is a great point to pull from this passage. But I want to point out something else that does not get as much attention. I want to pull out the very thing that Jesus was "standing upon" in the midst of temptation and spiritual warfare. Jesus stood upon the Word of God. Satan tempted Jesus 3 times. The first was he dared Jesus to command the stones to turn into bread because he knew Jesus was hungry. But look at how Jesus responded. He responded by quoting Scripture. He said, "It is written, 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but one every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.' " (NASB) The second temptation by Satan was for Jesus to go to the highest point of the temple and jump off. He said this because he dared Jesus to call on the angels to protect Him. Once again, Jesus responded by quoting scripture. He said, "On the other hand, it is written, 'You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.' " (NASB) One final time, Satan tried to get Jesus to fall into sin. Satan dared Jesus to fall down and worship him in return for recieving all the kingdoms of the world. Again, Jesus replied with Scripture. He said, "Go Satan! For it is written, 'You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.' " (NASB) Here is the point that i am trying to get across here. If the Savior of the world used Scripture to refute the temptations of the enemy, then WHO ARE WE NOT TO. If Jesus stood on the Word of God when He was being attacked by the enemy, who are we to say that we do not need to stand on the Word of God. But we cannot stand on the Word unless we know it and study it. It is about time the Christians of the United States of America got serious about their faith and really began studying the Word of God. Why? So that we will be ready for the attacks that WILL come from the enemy. 2 Timothy 3:12 tells us that all Christians will be persecuted. This means that we have to be ready for battle because we know it is coming. Ephesians 6:11 says, "Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil." (NASB) So now is your time to make a choice. What are you going to stand on? Are you going to stand on your own knowledge and try to do everything yourself. If you can do that and never have a problem, then the Word of God is of no value. Or are you going to stand upon the Word of God, the very book that was inspired by God. (see 2 Tim. 3:16) Choose this day what you are going to stand upon. The Word of God will never fail you; that i can say.
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